Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain's War on the Media

Perhaps the most bothersome and hypocritical narrative of the election so far has been media bias.

The first to bring it up--Hillary Clinton, back during the primary season that seems so long ago but really only ended in June (ah, the memories). Saturday Night Live provided her the comedic arsenal necessary to bring it up without sounding like the colossal bitch that she is. And it stuck, too. The media quickly re-examined itself, despite the fact that it wasn't warranted, and positive coverage of Obama came at a much more measured pace.

Well, much like they stole the experience talking point from the Clinton campaign, McCain's cronies are also adapting the war on the media for their own devious purposes.

The point: distract the voters.

Think about it. If McCain focuses on the issues that matter to you, he'll lose. And he can't have that, can he?? Screw principle, he says, and forgets his promise not to "take the low road to the highest office in the land." He'll do whatever he has to to win. And what's sad is I don't think it's entirely his fault; his campaign managers, veterans that brought you eight years of George W. Bush, have slowly eroded his sense of honor and decency and replaced it with the bloodthirsty conservative desire to win at any cost.

What's frightening is that the media bias narrative seems much more convincing, somehow, when coming from the Republican campaign machine. We know it's not true, inherently--most Americans with common sense do--but the outright lies presented by McCain and his surrogates as fact to further the argument sound so very, well, factual. And not every citizen of this country follows the election like me or perhaps you. Not everyone is so so knowledgeable as to be able to dismiss these lies as such.

I pray that you see through it.

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