Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin's Shrill, Spiteful Acceptance speech Surprises No One

So last night was the 3rd of 4 nights of the Republican National Convention, which means it's almost over--thank God. It was also the first night they actually brought out some heavy hitters. Rudy Giuliani, the Man of Many Wives, Mitt Romney (who has apparently finished recharging in the mothership), and Sarah Palin all had their say.

And it's Sarah Palin who I want to talk about.

Now I'll be honest with you here--I don't think I've ever heard quite so vicious a speech in politics in my entire life. She went for the jugular in a way that both achieves a goal and yet severely detriments her ticket; you see, while she certainly energized the xenophobic, falsely patriotic base of Republicans, she may very well have alienated the swing voters and Independents that have the final say in this election.

I mean, think about it. 96% of America is just getting to know this woman, and she's already portraying herself as a hardcore Conservative attack dog, blindly spouting party lines and beliefs as if they define the very meaning of life. No. They don't, and it's my firm belief that most of America is to the left of where McCain-Palin stand.

The Huffington Post said it best--these two are shaping up to be even more scarily Red-Blooded Republicans than George Dubya and his croney, Dick Cheney--who gives a bad name to dicks everywhere.

Peace out.

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