Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where No Conservative Has Gone Before...

Hi, it's me, the Blue Cobra, and I've decided to extend my political pontification from YouTube to this blog.

So for those of you just getting introduced to me, let me tell you a little something about myself. I'm a liberal Democrat from New England, and after years of tormenting my loved ones and friends with my rantings I decided to utilize the wonders of the Internet (or the Interwebs, as Dubya fondly calls it) and rant to YouTube instead.

And so, every day, I find myself sitting with a microphone at my computer and venting my spleen against the Conservative agenda.

If you're interested or are still confused, let me shamelessly direct you to my introductory audio blog on YouTube: [Link]

So let us set forward. Let us combat the stupidity that is the right wing of our politics. Let us go where no Conservative has gone before.

I look forward to further discussion.

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