Friday, September 5, 2008

John McCain's Acceptance Speech Causes Record Napping Rates


Well, last night proved one of man's longest lasting theories: John McCain can't make a speech to save his life.

Terrible. Just terrible. It didn't describe any of his planned policies--which you would expect in a recession, right?--and it focused mainly on attacking Obama sarcastically and viciously and telling a glittering story of his own life.

Boring, false, and unabashedly egotistic.

Does anyone else see the irony here? Pundits spoke of the risks in Obama's speech--that it might come across as egotistical, it might not carry enough policy, he might come across as too vicious or too soft. But it turns out he made one of the best convention speeches in history, and McCain made all the errors that Conservatives hoped Obama would! Ooooh, I love you, Karma.

For more analysis of the Convention and today's news, go to my YouTube account, where I share my opinions in daily audio blog:

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