Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain's War on the Media

Perhaps the most bothersome and hypocritical narrative of the election so far has been media bias.

The first to bring it up--Hillary Clinton, back during the primary season that seems so long ago but really only ended in June (ah, the memories). Saturday Night Live provided her the comedic arsenal necessary to bring it up without sounding like the colossal bitch that she is. And it stuck, too. The media quickly re-examined itself, despite the fact that it wasn't warranted, and positive coverage of Obama came at a much more measured pace.

Well, much like they stole the experience talking point from the Clinton campaign, McCain's cronies are also adapting the war on the media for their own devious purposes.

The point: distract the voters.

Think about it. If McCain focuses on the issues that matter to you, he'll lose. And he can't have that, can he?? Screw principle, he says, and forgets his promise not to "take the low road to the highest office in the land." He'll do whatever he has to to win. And what's sad is I don't think it's entirely his fault; his campaign managers, veterans that brought you eight years of George W. Bush, have slowly eroded his sense of honor and decency and replaced it with the bloodthirsty conservative desire to win at any cost.

What's frightening is that the media bias narrative seems much more convincing, somehow, when coming from the Republican campaign machine. We know it's not true, inherently--most Americans with common sense do--but the outright lies presented by McCain and his surrogates as fact to further the argument sound so very, well, factual. And not every citizen of this country follows the election like me or perhaps you. Not everyone is so so knowledgeable as to be able to dismiss these lies as such.

I pray that you see through it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Polling and the Economy

So after a painful period of watching Barack Obama's lead in the polls slowly slip away, we now find ourselves right back where we were pre-RNC: ahead.

This is no small thing, either--McCain held a hefty lead after his Convention. By some accounts, it was 6 or 7 points. So the fact that Obama's gone from a 7 point deficit to a 6 point lead, leaving him with a 50% holding in the polls, indicates a real change in the way voters are thinking about this choice.

And with good reason.

The economy took a nasty turn this past week, leaving Wall Street in panic mode and the government in bailout mode. Dubya has now proposed a 700 billion dollar bailout plan that will leave a hefty emptiness in your wallet. That money isn't even going entirely to American businesses--the plan extends to foreign banks and enterprises that just have roots in the country. That isn't an economic plan, or at the very least a smart one. It's just noise. It's the conservative government trying to make you feel better; they're saying, "It's okay, we're doing something", even though that something isn't enough.

This whole mess was brought about by that very conservative government, or more precisely, the conservative economic philosophy it follows. The excessive deregulation that makes up their entire questionable appeal has led us to shady business practices and almost sinful greed on the part of Wall Street's big corporations.

We need a change from that deregulation philosophy, and that's a change that won't be brought about by John McCain, who would not only continue that deregulatory philosophy, but worsen it; his nearly three-decade career in the Senate has been founded on that very ideology. And now, suddenly, he's criticizing the White House for its lack of regulatory practices.

Please. The American people aren't stupid.

Friday, September 5, 2008

John McCain's Acceptance Speech Causes Record Napping Rates


Well, last night proved one of man's longest lasting theories: John McCain can't make a speech to save his life.

Terrible. Just terrible. It didn't describe any of his planned policies--which you would expect in a recession, right?--and it focused mainly on attacking Obama sarcastically and viciously and telling a glittering story of his own life.

Boring, false, and unabashedly egotistic.

Does anyone else see the irony here? Pundits spoke of the risks in Obama's speech--that it might come across as egotistical, it might not carry enough policy, he might come across as too vicious or too soft. But it turns out he made one of the best convention speeches in history, and McCain made all the errors that Conservatives hoped Obama would! Ooooh, I love you, Karma.

For more analysis of the Convention and today's news, go to my YouTube account, where I share my opinions in daily audio blog:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin's Shrill, Spiteful Acceptance speech Surprises No One

So last night was the 3rd of 4 nights of the Republican National Convention, which means it's almost over--thank God. It was also the first night they actually brought out some heavy hitters. Rudy Giuliani, the Man of Many Wives, Mitt Romney (who has apparently finished recharging in the mothership), and Sarah Palin all had their say.

And it's Sarah Palin who I want to talk about.

Now I'll be honest with you here--I don't think I've ever heard quite so vicious a speech in politics in my entire life. She went for the jugular in a way that both achieves a goal and yet severely detriments her ticket; you see, while she certainly energized the xenophobic, falsely patriotic base of Republicans, she may very well have alienated the swing voters and Independents that have the final say in this election.

I mean, think about it. 96% of America is just getting to know this woman, and she's already portraying herself as a hardcore Conservative attack dog, blindly spouting party lines and beliefs as if they define the very meaning of life. No. They don't, and it's my firm belief that most of America is to the left of where McCain-Palin stand.

The Huffington Post said it best--these two are shaping up to be even more scarily Red-Blooded Republicans than George Dubya and his croney, Dick Cheney--who gives a bad name to dicks everywhere.

Peace out.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where No Conservative Has Gone Before...

Hi, it's me, the Blue Cobra, and I've decided to extend my political pontification from YouTube to this blog.

So for those of you just getting introduced to me, let me tell you a little something about myself. I'm a liberal Democrat from New England, and after years of tormenting my loved ones and friends with my rantings I decided to utilize the wonders of the Internet (or the Interwebs, as Dubya fondly calls it) and rant to YouTube instead.

And so, every day, I find myself sitting with a microphone at my computer and venting my spleen against the Conservative agenda.

If you're interested or are still confused, let me shamelessly direct you to my introductory audio blog on YouTube: [Link]

So let us set forward. Let us combat the stupidity that is the right wing of our politics. Let us go where no Conservative has gone before.

I look forward to further discussion.